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Kale — Perfect for Early Spring Planting

Similar to other members of the Brassica family, kale loves cool weather and can be planted in the early spring, while frost still threatens, or in late summer as temperatures begin to drop. Cool to cold weather brings out the best in kale, making its leaves sweeter.

How to Grow Kale →

Swiss Chard — A Powerhouse of Nutrition

Swiss Chard (beta vulgaris cicla), a leafy green annual also known as spinach-chard or silverbeet, originated in the Mediterranean region, but was given its botanical name by a botanist to distinguish the chard plant from another similarly named plant and does not represent the origin of the plant.

Growing Swiss Chard →


Build Your Own Rainwater Collection System

Whether you use a large barrel positioned under downspout, or create a more elaborate well-designed system connected to the gutters of the roof, capturing rainwater and water conservation should be a top priority for everyone who loves to garden.

Rainwater Collection System →